
April, 2020 - May, 2020

Experience the captivating world of BASE jumping through the personal blog of Matt Gerdes. With a deep passion for this extreme sport, Matt shares thrilling stories and valuable insights on his blog.

Built using Nuxt, an advanced framework for creating powerful web applications, we crafted a high-performance and SEO-friendly platform that ensures a seamless browsing experience. The visually appealing design, created with Tailwind CSS, showcases Matt's adventures in a captivating and immersive way.

Harnessing the flexibility and ease-of-use of WordPress, we empowered Matt to effortlessly publish and manage his blog posts, giving him full control over his content. The integration of Nuxt, Tailwind CSS, and WordPress resulted in a dynamic and visually stunning blog that brings the world of BASE jumping to life.

Join Matt Gerdes on his adrenaline-fueled journey by exploring his personal blog at Immerse yourself in his exhilarating experiences and gain a unique perspective on the thrilling world of BASE jumping.

Tech Stack

  • Nuxt
  • TailwindCss
  • Wordpress
